Climate – Biodiversity – Justice

Innovative Learning and linking local to global

From grassroots level to global policy dialogue

INDIGO is based in the rural small town of Nieuwoudtville in the Northern Cape Province of South Africa. We are committed to linking the local processes to global dialogue and policy – and thus are engaging locally in all programmes, while reaching out to national and global policy processes.


Where does the name Indigo come from?

The organisation is named after the plant Indigofera disticha, a legume that occurs widely in South Africa and is know as being a useful pioneer plant, fixing nitrogen in the soil. It grows prolific after rain and is very drought resistant. This plant even provides some feed in drought and the feed value is high.

This reflects our vision of being a catalyst for positive change for marginalised groups. You can spot this plant in our logo.

Where do we work?


Working with Rooibos small farmers in the Suid Bokkeveld is one of our key priorities – focusing on adaptation, sustainable resource use and stewardship and biodiversity conservation.


We are actively engaging in global policy processes and have official UNFCCC observer status since 2011.

Climate Change Adaptation: our local message

Conserving our special Biodiversity while linking this to Climate Justice and Adaptation
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